Sitting on the chair,sipping coffee and enjoying the tranquility and serene atmosphere of the
morning somehow feels great.It's so peaceful and for a moment it seems perfect,well i had the
pleasure of doing that today,due to some minor complications with my phone's alarm.=x
Had a great sunday,finally had a haircut and then chill-out session with my ex-school mates.
Realised my good friend still hasn't quit smoking,it's been half a year since he last said "This is
my last pack alright!" And till now he's procrastinating even further,saying he'd quit when he
gets to 18 years of age.It irks me to see people being half-hearted,people who keep telling
themselves time is on their side.People never learn that procrastinating often leads to "if only"s
and by then who could ever bring back lost time,and reverse the things done...
Wake me up,when October 20th ends....cause it'd be the 21st and i just can't wait!=))
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